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Rafter Six Ranch, Exshaw, AB, Canada

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It's smart practice to test your vacation mount from the ground before you get on. Most horses react similar, but some are just a bit different.

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Make yourself familiar with the riding gear at your destination before your first ride.


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Ranch Categories

Working Ranch

WORKING RANCHES raise livestock and crops but guests have become a major part of the operation. Guests can become real cowboys, learning to drive cattle, brand and rope steers, eating round a camp fire and sleeping under the stars. What you get to do may depend on what's going on at the time, you're not required to work but can help if you wish and learn a lot in the process. Generally basic accommodation and the best time to go is from June to late fall.


Dude Ranch
Guest Ranch

While riding is a big thing , DUDE RANCHES are gearted to catering for a wide variety of interests and ideal for those people wo want a "something to do all the time" vacation. A fully weekly programme of western activities is usually included in your holiday price - such as wild west shows, rodeo visits, square dances, barbecues and a host of sports and outdoor activities. Cabins or lodge rooms are provided. Many ranches have Child Counsellors during the main season. When it comes to riding, abilities can range from novice to experienced at most Dude Ranches making this option a real family vacation.

GUEST RANCHES - are designed primarily to care for guests and horses are often the only livestock. Riding is emphasized but other Western activities are available on an informal basis such as fishing. The Ranch is a home, and is shared with guests who relax together in a very warm and personal way that is rarely available to visitors on the usual hectic fly-drive itinerary


Luxury Ranch Resort

Resort ranches are as varied in their locations as they are in what they have to offer. Some emphasize their luxurious cabins, meals and wine list placing riding as a secondary activity. Others may offer the full "cowboy experience" in delightfully decorated log cabins with gourmet cuisine, a great and varied riding programme no matter what level of rider you are.
In addition there is a full weekly schedule of activities set around the riding and meal times plus numerous off ranch activities such as rafting, golf or ballooning. Many resort ranches encourage children with their excellent summer Counsellor prorammes giving parents the change to relax. Needless to say, the kids never get bored!



What kind of clothing should you bring to your ranch vacation?

While it is totally up to you what kind of clothing you take on your vacation, there are few things you should have when visiting a ranch and interacting in their activities.

A good pair of boots. Whether they are true western or biker boots doesn't matter, but they are definitely the best choice for riding.

Having seen it often enough, I recommend jeans and no shorts for riding as well as long-sleeved shirts.

Bring some sort of hat. Whether it's a cowboy hat or a baseball cap doesn't matter that much, but you definitely want to have some sort of sun protection.

Evenings and mornings may be chilly so bring a sweater and jacket.

Most places require minors to wear riding helmets, which is generally recommended to all riders. Some places offer helmets for their guest. Due to hygienic reasons it is advisable to bring your own riding helmet.

And last but not least - riding gloves. Rancher leather gloves work the best. They are allrounders and have never let me down.



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